Friday, October 21, 2011

Freezing Fruit

 I have been blessed with many varieties of fruits this summer that I can get my hands on.

One of these fruits was Peaches!

I LOVE PEACHES so I decided to free a few bags to have to make cobbler, pie, etc this winter.

I peeled and cored the peaches, added a cup of sugar with then in a large bowl.  Mixed and then divided into bags.  (I have a food saver so was able to seal them up nice and tight)  I then froze flat and they are ready for use later.  Yummm!!! :)

Total OOP for Peaches= Cost of 1 cup of Sugar

Another Fruit that I love are Strawberries.

I was able to pick these at a local orchard for $1.50/pint.

I ended up picking 6 pints and having lots of fun (more ways to preserve them later)

I washed and made sure to remove all tops of the strawberries and then cut them into bite sized pieces.
I then flash froze them on a cookie sheet and then packaged them into bags and froze flat.  

Love to have these in my cereal, on my ice cream and in pancakes!

Total OOP for Strawberries= $9 for 6 pints

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