Monday, September 10, 2012

Egg & Sausage Bake

We had an over abundance of eggs in our home so I was on a mission...

I went through both freezers and this is what I came up with.

Egg & Sausage Bake

 First I started with a greased 9"X13" pan

  I had leftover cheese from a "pre-made' pizza at the bottom of my deep freeze, 
sausage links and like I said....A BUNCH OF EGGS! 

Because I have little ones I decided to break down the links so that I could crumble the meat in the bake instead of round chunks of the links.
I then cooked up the meat and used 1/2 for the bake (and the other 1/2 I kept for later)

I poured the whipped up the eggs and the sausage crumbles into my 9"x13" pan.

I covered well with cheese.

I put this in the oven at 400 degrees for approx 25-30 min 
(until knife stuck in the middle comes out clean)

I served this meal with toast.

Dinner Cost Break Down

10 Eggs (Farm Fresh): $.17/egg= $1.70
1/2 Bag Cheese (approx 6oz): $.75
Sausage: FREE (give to us from a family member who had pig butchered)
4 Slices Bread: $.03/slice= $.12

Total Cost of Meal: $2.57
$.64 per person (4 people multiple servings)

ALSO..... I have the other 1/2 of my sausage to use later in another "Bake" 
making this an even better deal!

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