Friday, October 21, 2011

Slow Cooker Yogurt

Yogurt made in a Slow Cooker?????

I must be crazy right?

I thought so too but now that I've done made this I will never go back!

My husband eat yogurt every day for work and the rest of us eat it about 2 to 3 times a week at home.  Therefore, the cost of yogurt in our home was becoming quite high.

I was looking for ways online to save money on yogurt when I came across this recipe.

8 cups Milk (I use Vitamin D or 2%)
1/2 cup Regular Plain Yogurt (this is your starter)
1/2 Cup Sweetener (I use Stevia (powder form))
2 Tbsp Pure Vanilla Extract

Put Milk in small Slow Cooker (should come close to filling) and put in low for 2 1/2 hours.  
Turn off the heat and un-plug.  Let sit undisturbed for 3 hours.
Whisk in 1/2 cup yogurt after the 3 hours, re-cover with lid and wrap entire slow cooker in a large thick towel (or quilt).  Set aside undisturbed for 8+ hours.
At the end of the 8+ hours, remove 1/2 cup of the plain yogurt and keep for start for your next batch, stir in 1/2 cup sweetener and 2 Tbsp Vanilla Extract.  Then pour yogurt into strainer with coffee filters or cheese cloth (with bowel underneath) to drain the whey from the yogurt (this makes a thicker yogurt).  Strain for 6+ hours or until desired consistency.  This will keep in your refrigerator for up to 1 week.

Milk= $1.25 (when get milk on sale for $2.50/gal)
Reg Yogurt= $.23 (on sale with coupon)
Sweetener= approx $.50/batch
Vanilla Extract=approx $.20/batch

Total Cost for Slow Cooker Full of Yogurt= $2.18

The greatest things about this is you know what is being put into your families yogurt.

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