Saturday, November 26, 2011

Beef & Noodles

Tonight we had Beef & Noodles, 
Cheddar Mashed Potatoes and Green Beans.

For Beef & Noodles I took the broth that I saved from the Chuck Roast that I cooked in the slow cooker (this past Wednesday).
(Cooked a 2 lb chuck roast in the slow cooker with water, season salt and a garlic seasoning mixWhen this was done I froze the 2 cups of broth for later use and split the meat into 1/3 of a roast and 2/3 of a roast broken up and vacuum sealed with my Food Saver for another day)

I then added the 1/3 package of Beef that I had frozen 
(thawed in fridge before hand)

When this mixture came to a boil I added 1/2 bag of Noodles.
I let this boil and stirred occasionally for 6 min and 
then turned the burner off.

For my potatoes I cheated and used Bob Evans Cheddar Potatoes instead of making my own (needed a quick dinner)

To complete the meal I used Frozen Green Beans from our Garden this past summer.

After this was all done, I took a really pretty picture of my meal on my plate and proceeded to delete it just as fast by accident while typing this post (takes skill I know :))

Total Cost:

7 Servings Beef & Noodles (5 for dinner; 2 for lunch tomorrow)
2 Cups Beef Broth=FREE (from chuck roast in slow cooker earlier (water and beef drippings))

1/3 of 2 lb Chuck Roast ($3.33/lb= $6.66 total)= $2.22 

1/2 Bag of Noodles= $.50 (on sale)

Bob Evans Cheddar Mashed Potatoes= $1.50 (with sale and coupon)

Green Beans=FREE (from garden)

Total Cost of Meal:  $3.44

Great things about this is we ate 5 servings of Beef & Noodles at dinner so that leaves us with 2 Servings for tomorrow. 

Total Cost for Lunch Tomorrow: $.78

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