Saturday, November 12, 2011

Hubby's Birthday Dinner

So today is my wonderful Hubby's Birthday so we had his favorite dinner...
Pasta A'La Me.

Dinner was a Pasta Dish (Pasta A'La Me), Garlic Bread 
and of course BIRTHDAY CAKE! 

The Pasta Dish had the following:
 2 Chicken Breasts (cut up into bite sized pieces)
1 1/2 Boxes of Pasta 
2 Cans of Pasta Sauce 
(1st had one but then added another so dish wouldn't be too dry)
1 8 oz pkg of Shredded Cheese
1 Large Container of Cottage Cheese

For the Chicken you can either use Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast and then either fry it up or bake it in the oven until done or you can do what I did tonight.  
I got a rotisserie chicken (because I had big plans for this little chicken :) ) and took the breast meat from that and used it for my pasta dish. 
You will then cut the chicken into bite-sized pieces.

I then cooked up 1 1/2 boxes of pasta (mind you I was make 2 large bowls of this pasta dish because Hubby insisted that there be leftovers :)).
After the pasta was cooked and drained I put it back in it's pot and added 2 cans of pasta sauce, the entire container of cottage cheese and a small handful of the shredded cheese.  I then mixed that all together and put it in my bowls.  I then covered the top with shredded cheese.

I baked this at 450 for 25 min until the cheese was melted on top.

While this was in the oven I made the Garlic Bread.
My garlic bread tonight was made on bun bread that I had gotten on super clearance and frozen.
For the Garlic Bread I had my Bun Bread that I cut into 1/2's

I then spread butter and then Garlic Powder on the bread.

I then put that into the oven underneath my pasta dish to cook for 10 minutes. 

Can I just say things were smelling pretty yummy by the time all of this was done cooking. :)

 Next comes.....BIRTHDAY CAKE!!!

In our house growing up we had a tradition of Angel Food Cake and "Fluffy Frosting", so needless
to say that tradition has carried on to my house :)

I'm sorry to say the Angel Food Cake came from a box :(  
Maybe some day I will be brave enough to try one from scratch :)

Next comes the "Fluffy Frosting" I hear Angels singing???

Fluffy Frosting is made from:
1 Cup of Sugar
1/4 tsp Cream of Tarter
1/3 Cup Water
2 Egg Whites 
1 tsp Vanilla

First take the Sugar, Cream of Tarter and Water and cook over med-high heat until sugar is melted.
Then take your Egg Whites and beat them until you have small peaks.  Next slowly add the sugar mixture from the stove while mixing until you have high stiff peaks (usually 7 to 10 min).  Last add the vanilla and food coloring (if you like "color" to your frosting :)).

You then spread this wonderful frosting on your Angel Food Cake and

now you have a yummy delicious cake! :)

Meal Break Down:

Pasta Dish (made 2 meals worth)
2 Chicken Breasts (entire rotisserie chicken $5.99 (broke down so will use with 5 meals))= $1.20 total/2 pasta meals= $.60/meal
1 1/2 Box Pasta= $.35 total (got boxes for $.23 each during a sale with coupons)
2 Cans Pasta Sauce= $2
1 (8oz) Bag Shredded Mozzarella Cheese= $2
1 Lg Container Cottage Cheese= $2.50

Total for Pasta Dish= $8.05 (divided by 2 meals= approx $4.03/meal)

Garlic Bread
Got Big Bag of Bread (16pc) on sale for $1.66 (broke into packs of 4 and froze for later use)= $.42/per bag
Butter (1tbsp)= $.10 high estimate (pd $1 for entire container)
Sprinkle of Garlic Powder= approx $.02
Total Cost for Garlic Bread (8 total pieces after bread was cut)= $.54

Cake (12 servings)
$1.50 (box mix made with water)
"Fluffy Frosting"
Sugar= $.33
Water= FREE
Cream of Tarter= $.02
2 Egg Whites= $.17
Vanilla= $.03
Total Cost of Frosting= $.55

Total Cost of Cake= $2.05

Total Cost of the Birthday Dinner
(this includes only one of the pasta dishes)
= $6.62

1 comment:

  1. That pasta dish sounds super! Think I'm going to have to try that soon! Thanks for sharing all your cooking adventures!
