Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Slow Cooker Chili and Banana Bread

Tonight I had one child going to dance, 2 children going to church activities, 1 child going to Basketball practice and then the rest of us were home for the night.  Knowing it would be a crazy night I decided that Slow Cooker Chili would be a good idea.  
(Eat when you have time kind of night)

I cooked up 2 lbs of ground beef.  

I added Season Salt, Garlic Powder and Dehydrated Onions to the beef while it cooked.

I then drained the beef, put it in my slow cooker and added 2 cans light red kidney beans

I then added 2 Large Cans of Tomato Juice.

I mixed this up and put in Slow Cooker for 
3 Hours on High.

I served this with 2 sleeves of Saltine Crackers.

For Dessert I made Banana Bread.  It was made of Flour, Sugar, Salt, Baking Powder, Cinnamon, Vanilla, 4 Bananas (these aren't the ones I used...forgot to take picture until mine was in the oven baking.), and 2 eggs.

I then served this with dabs of butter.

This is a picture of what was left before all the kids got back for seconds tonight :)

Total Cost for Meal: 

2 lbs Hamburger ($3.33/lb (this is an average per lb from a 1/2 beef where steaks, burger, etc are included): $6.66

Sprinkles of Season Salt, Dehydrated Onion and Garlic Powder: $.15

2 Cans Light Red Kidney Beans: $1.18 total

2 Large Cans of Tomato Juice: $3.68

2 Sleeves of Saltine Crackers: $.50

Total Cost for Chili: $ 12.17

2 Cups Flour: $.60
 2/3 Cups Sugar: $.15
 1 tsp Salt: $.05
1 tsp Vanilla: $.05
1 tsp Cinnamon: $.05
4 Bananas: $.50
2 Eggs: $.17
1 tsp Baking Powder: $.05
Dabs of Butter: $.50

Total Cost for Banana Bread 
with Dabs of Butter: $2.12

Total Cost for Meal: $14.29 
($2.04/person for 7 people) 

This meal had leftovers....I seem to hear a theme :)  Leftovers might be in store soon :)

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