Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Vegetable Beef Soup with Dumplings

Today was a snow day and I had to figure out what to feed 7 people for lunch.  I looked around my kitchen and remembered that I had 2/3 roast that I had frozen for a Vegetable Beef Stew so that is what I made.

I made my soup with 8 mini potatoes that I cut in 4th's, added 10 baby carrots cut in 1/2, the green beans that I had left over from last night (approx 1 bag), 1 clove of garlic minced

and then added the 2/3 of the roast that was previously frozen.

I then added 1 large can of Tomato Juice and 1 can of Water.

I put this on med-low heat for 40 min stirring occasionally.

When the potatoes and carrots were tender I mixed up my dumplings.  (3 eggs and about 2 cups flour and mixed until well blended (not runny but not crumbly).

I added the dumplings to my soup by dropping them directly into the pot.  I then raised the temp to high for about 5 min until the dumplings were done.

After this I served this in heaping bowls with salt and pepper to taste.

When we all were done eating (7 servings)  I still had a TON left for leftovers later.

Total Cost of Meal:

2/3 (2lb) Beef Roast: $4.44
8 Mini Potatoes: $.50
10 Baby Carrots: $.15
1 Bag Green Beans (1 bag): FREE 
(Leftover from dinner last night)
1 Can Tomato Juice: $1.84
1 Can Water: FREE
2 Cups Flour: $.60
3 Eggs: $.25
Salt & Pepper to Taste: $.02

Total Cost for Meal and a TON of leftovers: $7.80 ($1.11/person for 7 people not counting leftovers)

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