Friday, January 13, 2012

Chili with Cornbread Topping

Last weekend I had one of those days where there wasn't enough time to think much less time to sit down for a yummy meal (or so I thought).

I was searching my cupboard for something...anything...and then I remembered a quick and easy recipe that I had seen a while ago in a magazine.  

Chili with Cornbread Topping!

You only need a few things for this.  One can of chili (any brand is fine), one box of cornbread mix (again any brand is fine), 1 Egg, 1/4 cup milk
and a casserole dish.

You will pour the can of Chili in the Casserole Dish.  Please note you may use homemade chili for the base of this recipe (I have but was in a hurry so my standby can'o chili worked) :)

Mix the Cornbread as directed on the package (or make your own cornbread mix) and then pour over your Chili in the casserole dish.

After that cook as long as your Cornbread package says that the bread needs to be cooked (until cooked all the way through and browned on top)

When it is done it will look like so...

That's It!!
We served ours with a little sour cream and cheddar cheese.

Cost of Meal:

Can of Chili: $.40 (on sale with Coupons)
Box of Cornbread mix: $.50
1 Egg: $.08 (Dozen Eggs $.99/12)
1/4 Cup Milk: $.04 (Gallon of Milk $2.50/64)
1/2 Cup Sour Cream: $.50
Sprinkle of Cheese: approx $.15

Total Cost: $1.67 (divided by a Family of 4): $.42/person

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