Friday, January 13, 2012

Pork Loin Chops and Baked Potatoes

Recently I was able to get a pork lion for $1.98/lb.  I spent approx $10 and about had a stroke but was able to recover when I actually broke down the cost of meat for the meals that were made. (3 meals with pork loin chops and 1 meals with cubed pork loin (thinking a stew or stir-fry of sorts).  That made the meat for each meal approx $2.50.

This was a pretty simple and easy meal.  I fried up 4 pork loin chops.

Looking at these makes me want them again for dinner even though we had them 2 days ago...can you taste them????  Yummmm

Anyhow, I put 4 potatoes in the microwave as my pork loin chops cooked.

I then put this all together and served the potatoes with a little shredded cheese and a dollop of regular yogurt (didn't have sour cream and this works just as well :))

Cost of Meal:
4 Pork Loin Chops: $2.50
4 Baked Potatoes: $.46 (Bag of Potatoes $2.77/24 potatoes x 4)
1/8 cup cheese: $.33
Dollop of Regular Yogurt: approx $.20

Total Cost of Meal: $3.49 (Divided by 4 people $.87/person)

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