Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Grilled Chicken, Asparagus, Potatoes and Mushrooms

When the weather was sooooo beautiful last week I decided to make our entire dinner on the grill.

We had Potatoes, Mushrooms, Asparagus and 
Chicken Drumsticks handy so that is what we had.

I used Season Salt and Garlic Powder to season the Chicken and then cooked until done on the grill.

For the Potatoes I put a pat of butter at the bottom of a chunk of aluminum foil and then placed a clean potato on top (cut a slit at the top of potato also)  then wrapped in foil and put on grill for 45 min until done.

The Mushrooms and Asparagus where easy! :)
In separate aluminum foil packets I put butter, the veggie of choice and salt and pepper.  I wrapped the veggie up and put on the grill for approx 5-7 min until done.

I served this up outside on our patio table and we had a wonderful grilled dinner under wonderful blue sky....it was AMAZING!  
Oh how I can't wait for warmer months!

Cost of Meal:
Chicken Drumsticks: $2.25 (6 drumsticks)
Potatoes: $.23 (4 potatoes)
Asparagus: $.49 (4 servings)
Mushrooms: $.50 (4 servings)
Butter: $.50
Cheese & Spices: $.25 (enough for 4 servings)

Total Cost of Meal: 
$4.22 ($1.06/serving)

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