Friday, March 9, 2012

Homemade Condensed Cream of Chicken Soup


Homemade What????

I know I got the same reaction from my dearest hubby when he heard what I was up to when he got home from work on Thursday.

I know it's weird but I wanted to make something for dinner and didn't have any Cream of Chicken Soup.  So I thought....I have the internet there has to be a recipe there somewhere....guess what?  

(I did teak this recipe to be something that my family will eat (some of them are picky))

To make your own you need the following (will make about 3 cups which is about 2 cans):
1 1/2 Cup Chicken Broth: FREE (canned earlier)
1/4 teaspoon onion powder: $.01
1/4 teaspoon garlic powder: $.01
1/8 teaspoon black pepper: $.01
Salt to taste: $.01
A pinch of Paprika: Basically FREE
1 1/2 cups milk: $.20
3/4 cups flour: $.10

I first boiled my chicken broth (boiled my broth that I had canned this summer) with the spices (all of them) and 1/2 cup milk.  After this had boiled about 2 min, I whisked in  the mixture of the remaining milk (1 cup) and flour (make sure to whisk them together in a separate bowl before adding to your chick broth mixture).  Then I kept whisking until the mixture boiled and then thickened.  I then let it cool, used 1/2 for the recipe I was making and put the other 1/2 in a glass jar with a lid and stuck it in the refrigerator to use later this week.  

I was SUPER excited when this was complete because I knew what was in what I made and it was SOOOOO EASY 
and it was only $.34 to make the 
equivalent of 2 cans of store bought 
(last time I got on sale with coupons it was $.36/can so I save essentially $.38)

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