Friday, March 9, 2012

Pasta with Ham, Broccoli and Cheese

So I needed something fast and.....well fast for lunch the other day.  

Have you ever looked through you cupboards and fridge and thought to yourself  "Oh dear heavens what am I going to make?"  Well that was me.  Completely at a loss...

Suddenly I remembered something that I had made on a whim long, long ago and it was perfect because I had everything that I needed...Hooray!!!

I first took 1/2 box of pasta and cooked it according to box directions.  
I found about 3 pieces of thin sliced ham and cut that into bite sized pieces (I added this to the pasta after draining and stirring in a bit of olive oil.

I then took broccoli that I had cut up and frozen in individual sized portions and steamed that.

I then added that to my pasta and ham and covered with a sprinkle of mozzarella cheese.

Total Cost for Meal:
1/2 box pasta: $.17 (with sales and coupons)
3 thin slices of Ham(deli thin sliced): $.02
Individual sized broccoli (2 heads cost me $1 and this was about 1/3 of 1 of the heads): $.17
Sprinkle of Mozzarella Cheese on each serving (4) (maybe 1/4 cup): $.31

Cost for 4 servings: $.67 ($.17/serving)

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