Tuesday, July 3, 2012

"Homemade" Fruit Leather

Today I am making another batch of Applesauce Fruit Leather.  I've decided to make this with my dehydrator because it's much more economical for my family. 
(Also, when I make my own purees they are 
healthier than other brand roll ups 
(no added sugar, no food dyes, etc)) 
(I've made strawberry, applesauce, and am going to try mango, blueberry, and mixes of all of the above soon :))

To make my Fruit Leather today I had 2 ingredients:
Coconut Oil & Applesauce 

You can use any brand Coconut Oil and Apple Sauce, 
this is what I had in stock (btw- I don't endorse any brand on my site I just show you what I have in my home at the time)

My dehydrator calls for me to grease my "fruit sauce" tray with vegetable oil.  I personally am not a fan of vegetable oil so I used coconut oil.  

Coconut Oil is a Solid until warm.  My body temp is enough to make it an "oil" to grease my tray.
After I grease the tray I add Apple Sauce.

See the oil below the Apple Sauce?  BTW you don't taste the coconut flavor when this is done.
 I then smooth the Apple Sauce until it is even 
(dries more uniformly that way)

LOVE my pink spatula!

After that I put my tray into my dehydrator and dry at 135 degrees for 6 to 7 hours (until cooked through no sticky spots).

When I am done I take a long strip of plastic wrap and take the fruit leather and put it on top.  I then wrap it up and cut into bite sized strips (I would show you but my latest batch is still drying :)).  I then put the strips into a glass jar with a lid and put them in the fridge.  After that they are ready to eat.

Easy, inexpensive and healthy :)

Total Cost:

Coconut Oil: $.01 (probably less but I'm rounding up :))
Apple Sauce: $.37 (have made 5 batches so far with one jar ($1.86 total cost for Jar))

Total Cost for 8 Fruit Leather Strips: $.38 ($.05/roll)

 (compare to the same amount in a box for $1.66/box on sale and you are saving yourself $1.28/batch so I have saved $6.40 in making my own)

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