Friday, January 13, 2012

Garden Veggie Stir-Fry with Brown Rice

Do you want a super simple and easy stir fry?

You need 1 1/2 cups of baby carrots, a large hand full of green beans, 1/2 a package of Smoked Sausage, 1 cup dry brown rice, a sprinkle of cheese, 1 Tbsp Worcestershire sauce and a sprinkle of garlic powder.

I started out with an entire package of smoked sausage, split it in 1/2 and then cut that 1/2 into bite sized pieces. (I did this with the other 1/2 packaged it and am saving it for a later meal)

I then put the smoked sausage in a regular frying pan with a bit of olive oil, 1 Tbsp Worcestershire sauce and a sprinkle of garlic powder.

I then added 1 1/2 cups of baby carrots 
(chopped them in 1/2)

Added the Green Beans

I then added the other 1 Tbsp of Worcestershire sauce and sauteed until all veggies were tender.  I served this Stir fry with brown rice (I used the long cooking kind but you can use the instant rice, or any other type that you prefer)  

After all items were on the plate I covered with a sprinkle of cheese.

Meal Cost: 

1 1/2 cups of Baby Carrots: $.94
Large hand full of Green Beans: FREE (grew these in the garden and froze for later)
1/2 a package of Smoked Sausage: $.83
1 cup dry Brown Rice:$.10
2 1/2 Cups Water: FREE
Sprinkle of Cheese: $.30
2 Tbsp Worcestershire Sauce: $.05
A sprinkle of Garlic Powder: $.03

Total Cost of Meal: $2.25 
(Divided by 4 people $.56/person)

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