Saturday, March 3, 2012

Homemade Liquid Laundry Soap

As promised during my Couponing 101 classes today, here is the Homemade Liquid Laundry Soap Recipe
(I must have been thinking other totals when I quote the cost per load.  
I re-figured and this will cost you about $.05/load)

**Just used this for the first time on my laundry...LOVE IT!!!**

(For those of you who are used to meals, I know this isn't a meal... but it is made in the kitchen :) )

Homemade Laundry Soap

1 Bar Fels Naphtha Soap
1-Cup Washing Soda
½ Cup Borax
2- 5 Gallon Buckets with lids or
1-5 Gallon Bucket and enough bottles (juice, laundry, other to hold you soap)

Shred entire bar Fels Naphtha Soap.  In medium-large saucepan on med-high heat add enough water to soap to dissolve. Stir until dissolved. (Strain this mixture to make sure there are no chunks of bar of soap left when completing the next step)

When bar of soap is dissolved, add to the 1 Cup Washing Soda and ½ Cup Borax (already need to be in you 1st 5 gallon bucket before adding soap mixture).  Stir this mixture until powders are dissolved completely.  Add Hot Water to the mixture to the top of the bucket.  Stir, cover and let sit overnight. 

On day 2 you will need your other 5-gallon bucket (or clean laundry soap bottles).  Stir mixture, fill containers ½ full and then add water to the remaining mixture (1/2 soap; ½ water).  Stir or shake to combine.  Use 1 cup on top loading machines and 1/3 cup for front-loading machines.

Please Note:  Soap will be lumpy, goopy and gel-like, if too thick add more water and let sit.

Thank you all for joining me for the sessions today!  
I had a great time!

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