Friday, October 21, 2011

Canning Pears

Canning pears is an adventure!

I think the worst part for me was pealing and seeding the pears.  Took a LONG time!
I was lucky enough to have friends that have a pear tree so the cost out of pocket was the cost of jar lids. (thanks guys!)

I processed these in a pressure canner for 8 minutes at 5 lbs.

Lids- $.55 (6 lids)
Jars-FREE (thanks Mom! :)

Total Cost Out of Pocket-$.55 for 6 pints of Pears!

I also made Pear Sauce (put pears in crock pot until mushy and run through a food processor until the consistency you want) and
Pear Butter (put in crock pot, add spices and boil down (stirring occasionally) until the desired consistency that you want.

I froze the Pear Butter and Hot Water Bathed the Pear Sauce.

More on that later.

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